Greg Hung World explorer, film-maker & entrepreneur originally from Vancouver, Canada and based in Taipei Taiwan
The Gopro 4 will be released on October 5th 2014.
According to the Gopro website you can shoot up to 4k 30P, and Vince says you have manual exposure control.
I recently came across an article on the Gopro from photography expert Vincent Laforet. The huge take away was that he believes the Gopro has done a great job more than any camera in history of simplifying the technology so that the mainstream can have fun and focus on video. I also believe this is true. The SLR camera brought high quality cinematic video from hollywood to the SLR owner, but it’s cost and complexity were still out of reach for the average user. I’m sure there are many SLR owners that have never touched the video function yet. He also agrees that the major shortcomings of the Gopro camera in comparison to an SLR are performance in low light, sensor size, and the issue with the fixed lens. The other cool discovery from the article was seeing a video for the GoPro4. The video is amazing as it usually is and there is plenty of aerial footage and some cool car and music concert scenes. The first thoughts that come to mind is why do I really need this and how much does it cost? According to the Gopro website you can shoot up to 4k 30P, and Vince says you have manual exposure control.
As you can see in the picture the pricing is $499 US for the Hero Black, which is the top model and $399 for the silver model. The major differences I’ve come across so far is that the Silver model is a step-down includes the LCD screen, but the top model doesn’t. Why? The other major difference is that the Hero Black can shoot at 4k up to 30fps. Click here to see the model comparisons from Gopro .
The gopro4 pricing and specs
British film-maker Phillip Bloom has had early access to the Gopro 4 and has posted some early thoughts as well as test footage flying the Gopro 4 on a Phantom Quadcopter drone. I recommend you check it out here.
My thoughts
I’m still a Hero 3 Black owner that purchased my gopro in May 2014 which can shoot up to 1080P 60 fps. That is good enough for now. The 4k 30fps is a worthwhile upgrade for future proofing your aerial videos if you use a Gopro, which most people do. It’s still early days so let’s wait to see more footage and reviews from aerial videos on the 4k footage. The other key questions are is the battery life and performance in low light improved. Stay tuned.
Check out a good view review from the guys at Digitalrev
<A HREF=""> Widgets</A>If you’re interested in learning fundamentals and creative ways to bring out the best in your Gopro I’ve recently released a course on Udemy. The readers of this article will receive a 50% off on the course. Regular price is $20US. The offer is for the first 20 people until the end of October.
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